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Auto Liability Insurance Increases On January 1, 2025 - It's About Time!

John and Mary Doe, along with their children, are driving down the road when suddenly, a vehicle being driven by Jeff makes an illegal left turn in front of them causing a crash. John and Mary both suffer serious neck and back injuries, while the children suffer from facial lacerations. Jeff was compliant in California and carried a $15,000/30,000/5,000 liability insurance policy.
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Rising Motorcycle Accidents Prompt Urgent Need for Adequate Insurance Coverage

In an era where the cost of owning and maintaining automobiles continues to climb, more and more consumers are turning to motorcycles as a viable alternative for commuting and leisure. However, this shift in transportation preferences has come with a stark reality check: an alarming surge in auto versus motorcycle accidents. With this trend, a critical issue has emerged - inadequate insurance coverage among at-fault parties, leaving motorcyclists vulnerable to devastating financial and physical consequences.
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Auto Accidents and Traffic Collision Reports

Traffic Collision Reports, or Police Reports, are often taken at the scenes of auto accidents. These reports summarize information collected by the investigating law enforcement officer about the vehicles, the parties involved in the accident and any witnesses, and also provide the officer's initial conclusion about fault. Lawyers will use these reports for preliminary information as to how an accident occurred. However, while these reports can be helpful, they have limitations.

Most people are surprised to learn that police reports are generally inadmissible as evidence at trial unless...
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Hit and Run Accidents - Protecting Your Rights

I have been advocating for many years not only to my clients, but to my friends and family as well, that carrying the most uninsured motorist coverage possible is always in your best interests...
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You Are What You Eat, from a Legal Perspective

For those of you with weak stomachs, you may not want to read the rest of this article. What we must talk about today are injuries resulting from improper food preparation, contaminated...
Automobile Insurance

Ask a personal injury lawyer about automobile insurance

The stories I hear from potential clients are sometimes heartbreaking. Every year I receive calls from someone being sued because they did not have enough auto insurance...
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Maximizing Damages in Injury Cases with Photographs

While it may seem obvious to photograph injuries following an accident, many injury victims do not photograph the injuries, or do in incorrectly...
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Medical Malpractice Law Changes

June 27, 2022
Finally, after almost 50 years, medical negligence cases will see a significant law change which is way overdue for victims of medical negligence. In the 1970s, California legislators capped victims’ compensation for non-economic damages, or “pain and suffering” at $250,000. This cap has never been adjusted for inflation which would be well over $1,000,000.00 in 2022. Beginning in 2023, however, the cap for non-economic damages will be increased to $350,000, then adjusted annually. This is terrific news for injured victims at the hands of negligent health care providers.